Zeineshev Timur
An analysis of the practice of international economic sanctions allows you to designate a number of serious problems arising in the implementation of the sanctions regime, the existence of which is the main cause of the critical comments on their effectiveness. [1]
The most significant problem, especially in the case of international economic sanctions, expressed in the application of the so-called "inherent damage" the country's civilian population, which is not officially declared the target of sanctions, ie otherwise the "humanitarian aspect" and the inevitable ensuing violations of economic, social and other human rights.
Among the adverse effects of economic sanctions may include the emergence of a black market and the generation of huge profits undue manage it. [2] The next issue of economic sanctions - the material damage caused to third States affected by the break ties with the State against which the sanctions are directed. In particular, the loss of Kazakhstan's participation in the regime of economic sanctions against Iraq, taking into account the benefits of cooperation in the oil sector, the possibility of other areas of the trade exchange is estimated at over 30 billion dollars. [3]
The result of calculation of all the problems of economic sanctions - is the emergence in recent years, the concept of "targeted" or "smart" sanctions. They are in the "point" impact directly on the object of sanctions - specific individuals or political groups directly responsible for the commission of international crimes. In addition, such international economic sanctions are carried out in such a way as to minimize adverse effects, and first of all, the negative impact on the population, the so-called "humanitarian impact." Targeted economic sanctions, in addition to its role as an effective tool for resolving conflicts, could play an important deterrent role and be part of the overall strategy of preventive diplomacy. [4]
In conclusion, I would like to note that by increasing the effectiveness of economic sanctions depends on the process of converting them into a more powerful means of deterrence and prevention of conflicts, but as we have seen in practice, and such measures are not effective enough to resolve international conflicts.
[1] См.: Нешатаева Т.Н. "Понятие санкций международных организаций", Правоведение, № 6, (1984) 94;
[2] Постановление Государственной Думы Федерального Собрания РФ от 15.05.2002г. № 2721-III ГД «О развитии ситуации вокруг Республики Ирак».
[3] См.: International Trade Statistics Yearbook, Vol. I, (1990) 934.
[4] Доклад Генерального секретаря ООН «Мы, народы: роль ООН в 21веке». А/54/2000. «Целенаправленные санкции», пп. 299-233. (Электронный ресурс) Режим доступа: http//;