Legal support of property transactions
Our experts will help to carry out any transaction with property, whether movables or real estate. In the course of the transaction raises a lot of legal issues, questions of registration, registration issues / property re-registration, the time of transfer of rights and duties, responsibility for breach duties and etc. The result of this procedure - is business promoting, improving the financial position of the subject of civil relations.
We are ready to provide professional assistance for security checks of signing the contract, the assessment of all potential risks, identifying weaknesses and their subsequent correction. We also represent clients in negotiations with the other party, or their legal representatives. We will develop the optimum position for the implementation of the transaction. As a result, you and your business are booming, as competently produced transactions is a safeguard against possible future claims from third parties.
Transaction support services are structured as follows:
- Legal advice on all available issues of the Client;
- Development of draft contracts for sale, pledge, lease, cession, delivery, etc.;
- Legal examination of contracts and all documents, which have to be submitted before the conclusion of the contract;
- Preparation the package of documents for the transaction;
- Coordination and support of the transaction in a notary, providing, if necessary, out-of-premises notary;
- Coordination with the Clients of optimal transaction schemes;
- An estimation of possible legal risks during the creating and conclusion of the contracts;
- Preparation of disagreements’ protocols;
- Pre-trial, meditative settlement of disputes;
- Involvement of a lawyer at all stages of the transaction process;
- Organization of proper financial commitments fulfilment;
- Representation of the client’s interests in all state bodies, organizations and courts;
- Preparation of a package of documents for registration of property rights in authorized governmental bodies.