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Вторник, 06 Июнь 2017 03:57

EU launches new programs in Kazakhstan

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 European Union will invest over 3 million euros in Kazakhstani projects this year. A specialized exhibition was held  as part of the Day of Europe in Astana. The EU has launched over 350 projects worth 180 million euros in the  spheres of green economy, education, innovation and law.











 "These are part of our values that we share and promoting in Kazakhstan and actually this is purpose of the fair that you see here today on this occasion. European Union is the main trade partner of Kazakhstan and the main investors in terms of foreign direct investments in your economy," Traian Hristea, Ambassador, Head of EU delegation to Kazakhstan.

The project on Kazakhstan’s transition to green economy was launched two years ago under the support of the EU and the UNDP. The EU allocated over 7 million euros for its implementation. Its main goal is to demonstrate advanced technologies in the sphere of water resources. 14 best green economy models were selected at the competition. All of them have been already introduced in eight regions of the republic.  

"We are summing up the results. That is, we have tested such types of irrigation systems as drip, overhead, and subsoil irrigation in a number of regions and they showed a good result. They saved up to 50% of water and increased productivity of land by 30%," Gilzhamal Issayeva, Project Manager.

Project initiators are planning to showcase the best green ideas across Kazakhstan. The project will be completed next year.


The article is taken from http://bnews.kz/en/news/eu_launches_new_programs_in_kazakhstan


Прочитано 2317 раз Последнее изменение Вторник, 06 Июнь 2017 04:10
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